WIC is a nutrition education program that provides supplemental food to promote good health for pregnant and postpartum women, breastfeeding mothers, infants and children up to the age of five.
Belmont County WIC
Belmont County WIC

Income should be within the following guidelines:
Income Guidelines   
Women who are:
  • Pregnant: as soon as you know you are pregnant
  • Breastfeeding: up to one year post-delivery
  • Non-breastfeeding: up to 6 months post-delivery
  • Infants and children: birth to 5 years
Working families are encouraged to apply!
Note: A pregnant woman counts as more than one family member. A person who currently receives Medicaid, food stamps, or Ohio Works First (OWF) automatically meets the income eligibility criteria for WIC.

Select your platform below to download the WICShopper App.
WICShopper App Belmont County
WICShopper App Belmont County
Belmont County WIC


The Belmont County WIC office is completely open and seeing participants daily. Please bring your infants and children to the appointment if they are scheduled. The office will be obtaining heights, weights and iron level checks at the appointments. These measurements are all required to complete the appointments per WIC guidelines. Please arrive 10 to 15 minutes early ahead of your scheduled appointment time to complete required paperwork. In addition, please bring your I.D. and WIC nutrition card to every appointment. Proof of address is normally needed for most appointments as well. If you are pregnant, a proof of pregnancy will be required to receive benefits also. If questions, please call the office (740) 676-2232. Please be patient as we all work together to complete the appointments.

The Belmont County WIC Office will be closed on Tuesday, March 18, 2025 for staff training.

The WIC office has now moved to 3326 Belmont Street, Bellaire, Ohio. Please make a note of this new address as all appointments are being seen at the new address moving forward. Please be patient as all the staff are working hard to get adjusted to the new office.

Infant Feeding Classes are offered four times a month at Belmont County WIC. Any prenatal WIC participant or pregnant woman wanting to attend, please call the office at (740) 676-2232 to schedule at date and time. These classes are open to the public as well.

Please like us on our FaceBook page Belmont County WIC Program and download the WIC Shopper App for important updates!

WIC Monthly Newsletter   

WIC provides nutrition education; breastfeeding education and support; supplemental, highly nutritious foods such as cereal, eggs, milk, whole grain foods, fruits, vegetables, and iron-fortified infant formula; and referral to prenatal and pediatric healthcare and other maternal and child health and human service programs.
WIC Authorized Food List   
WIC Authorized Infant Food List   
Buy Whole Grain Examples   
Welcome to WIC Form   
Voter Registration Form   
Voter Registration Notice of Rights   
Belmont County Voter Registration

A WIC clinic is available in all counties across Ohio.
Belmont County WIC
3326 Belmont Street - Suite 405
Bellaire, OH 43906
1-740-676-2232 (Office)
1-740-671-9873 (Fax)
1-888-588-3423 (After Hours Breastfeeding Helpline)
Monday - Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.
Program information may be made available in languages other than English. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication to obtain program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language), should contact the responsible state or local agency that administers the program or USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339.
To file a program discrimination complaint, a Complainant should complete a Form AD-3027, USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form which can be obtained online at: https://www.usda.gov/sites/default/files/documents/USDA-OASCR%20P-Complaint-Form-0508-0002-508-11-28-17Fax2Mail.pdf, from any USDA office, by calling (866) 632-9992, or by writing a letter addressed to USDA. The letter must contain the complainant’s name, address, telephone number, and a written description of the alleged discriminatory action in sufficient detail to inform the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights (ASCR) about the nature and date of an alleged civil rights violation. The completed AD-3027 form or letter must be submitted to USDA by:
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
1400 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20250-9410
(833) 256-1665 or (202) 690-7442
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
If you have a loved one, friend or neighbor who is in need of our help and service, please contact us. We can help!
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Belmont County Health Department, Covid Vaccine and Testing, Woment Infant Children (WIC), Immunizations, Medical Resources, Oil and Gas Information, Lead Screenings, Belmont County Ohio Health Department, Belmont County News, Help, Prevention, Intervention, Resources Belmont County Health Department Health Promotion, Prevention and Intervention | COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing | Women Infant Children (WIC) | Oil and Gas Resources | Community Resources | Medical Reserve Corps | Environmental Health | Children with Medical Handicaps | Public Health Emergency Information | Lead Screening | Infectious Disease Information | Belmont County, Ohio Belmont County Health Department, Covid Vaccine and Testing, Woment Infant Children (WIC), Immunizations, Medical Resources, Oil and Gas Information, Lead Screenings, Belmont County Ohio Health Department, Belmont County News, Help, Prevention, Intervention, Resources Belmont County Health Department Health Promotion, Prevention and Intervention | COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing | Women Infant Children (WIC) | Oil and Gas Resources | Community Resources | Medical Reserve Corps | Environmental Health | Children with Medical Handicaps | Public Health Emergency Information | Lead Screening | Infectious Disease Information | Belmont County, Ohio Belmont County Health Department, Covid Vaccine and Testing, Woment Infant Children (WIC), Immunizations, Medical Resources, Oil and Gas Information, Lead Screenings, Belmont County Ohio Health Department, Belmont County News, Help, Prevention, Intervention, Resources Belmont County Health Department Health Promotion, Prevention and Intervention | COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing | Women Infant Children (WIC) | Oil and Gas Resources | Community Resources | Medical Reserve Corps | Environmental Health | Children with Medical Handicaps | Public Health Emergency Information | Lead Screening | Infectious Disease Information | Belmont County, Ohio Belmont County Health Department, Covid Vaccine and Testing, Woment Infant Children (WIC), Immunizations, Medical Resources, Oil and Gas Information, Lead Screenings, Belmont County Ohio Health Department, Belmont County News, Help, Prevention, Intervention, Resources Belmont County Health Department Health Promotion, Prevention and Intervention | COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing | Women Infant Children (WIC) | Oil and Gas Resources | Community Resources | Medical Reserve Corps | Environmental Health | Children with Medical Handicaps | Public Health Emergency Information | Lead Screening | Infectious Disease Information | Belmont County, Ohio Belmont County Health Department, Covid Vaccine and Testing, Woment Infant Children (WIC), Immunizations, Medical Resources, Oil and Gas Information, Lead Screenings, Belmont County Ohio Health Department, Belmont County News, Help, Prevention, Intervention, Resources Belmont County Health Department Health Promotion, Prevention and Intervention | COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing | Women Infant Children (WIC) | Oil and Gas Resources | Community Resources | Medical Reserve Corps | Environmental Health | Children with Medical Handicaps | Public Health Emergency Information | Lead Screening | Infectious Disease Information | Belmont County, Ohio Belmont County Health Department, Covid Vaccine and Testing, Woment Infant Children (WIC), Immunizations, Medical Resources, Oil and Gas Information, Lead Screenings, Belmont County Ohio Health Department, Belmont County News, Help, Prevention, Intervention, Resources Belmont County Health Department Health Promotion, Prevention and Intervention | COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing | Women Infant Children (WIC) | Oil and Gas Resources | Community Resources | Medical Reserve Corps | Environmental Health | Children with Medical Handicaps | Public Health Emergency Information | Lead Screening | Infectious Disease Information | Belmont County, Ohio Belmont County Health Department, Covid Vaccine and Testing, Woment Infant Children (WIC), Immunizations, Medical Resources, Oil and Gas Information, Lead Screenings, Belmont County Ohio Health Department, Belmont County News, Help, Prevention, Intervention, Resources Belmont County Health Department Health Promotion, Prevention and Intervention | COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing | Women Infant Children (WIC) | Oil and Gas Resources | Community Resources | Medical Reserve Corps | Environmental Health | Children with Medical Handicaps | Public Health Emergency Information | Lead Screening | Infectious Disease Information | Belmont County, Ohio Belmont County Health Department, Covid Vaccine and Testing, Woment Infant Children (WIC), Immunizations, Medical Resources, Oil and Gas Information, Lead Screenings, Belmont County Ohio Health Department, Belmont County News, Help, Prevention, Intervention, Resources Belmont County Health Department Health Promotion, Prevention and Intervention | COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing | Women Infant Children (WIC) | Oil and Gas Resources | Community Resources | Medical Reserve Corps | Environmental Health | Children with Medical Handicaps | Public Health Emergency Information | Lead Screening | Infectious Disease Information | Belmont County, Ohio Belmont County Health Department, Covid Vaccine and Testing, Woment Infant Children (WIC), Immunizations, Medical Resources, Oil and Gas Information, Lead Screenings, Belmont County Ohio Health Department, Belmont County News, Help, Prevention, Intervention, Resources Belmont County Health Department Health Promotion, Prevention and Intervention | COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing | Women Infant Children (WIC) | Oil and Gas Resources | Community Resources | Medical Reserve Corps | Environmental Health | Children with Medical Handicaps | Public Health Emergency Information | Lead Screening | Infectious Disease Information | Belmont County, Ohio Belmont County Health Department, Covid Vaccine and Testing, Woment Infant Children (WIC), Immunizations, Medical Resources, Oil and Gas Information, Lead Screenings, Belmont County Ohio Health Department, Belmont County News, Help, Prevention, Intervention, Resources Belmont County Health Department Health Promotion, Prevention and Intervention | COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing | Women Infant Children (WIC) | Oil and Gas Resources | Community Resources | Medical Reserve Corps | Environmental Health | Children with Medical Handicaps | Public Health Emergency Information | Lead Screening | Infectious Disease Information | Belmont County, Ohio Belmont County Health Department, Covid Vaccine and Testing, Woment Infant Children (WIC), Immunizations, Medical Resources, Oil and Gas Information, Lead Screenings, Belmont County Ohio Health Department, Belmont County News, Help, Prevention, Intervention, Resources Belmont County Health Department Health Promotion, Prevention and Intervention | COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing | Women Infant Children (WIC) | Oil and Gas Resources | Community Resources | Medical Reserve Corps | Environmental Health | Children with Medical Handicaps | Public Health Emergency Information | Lead Screening | Infectious Disease Information | Belmont County, Ohio Belmont County Health Department, Covid Vaccine and Testing, Woment Infant Children (WIC), Immunizations, Medical Resources, Oil and Gas Information, Lead Screenings, Belmont County Ohio Health Department, Belmont County News, Help, Prevention, Intervention, Resources Belmont County Health Department Health Promotion, Prevention and Intervention | COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing | Women Infant Children (WIC) | Oil and Gas Resources | Community Resources | Medical Reserve Corps | Environmental Health | Children with Medical Handicaps | Public Health Emergency Information | Lead Screening | Infectious Disease Information | Belmont County, Ohio Belmont County Health Department, Covid Vaccine and Testing, Woment Infant Children (WIC), Immunizations, Medical Resources, Oil and Gas Information, Lead Screenings, Belmont County Ohio Health Department, Belmont County News, Help, Prevention, Intervention, Resources Belmont County Health Department Health Promotion, Prevention and Intervention | COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing | Women Infant Children (WIC) | Oil and Gas Resources | Community Resources | Medical Reserve Corps | Environmental Health | Children with Medical Handicaps | Public Health Emergency Information | Lead Screening | Infectious Disease Information | Belmont County, Ohio Website Designs